Friday 1 January 2010

2010's Resolutions, or lackthereof

So, it's upon us. The big number 1o. Fourth occupied decade of my primitive life and all. What a wonder.

Now, since today is the first of a new year, I have taken the quite possibly misguided attempt once more to try something new and hold it up until we reach the equally insignificant slightly bigger 11. This comes in the form of 'blog'. I'll begin with the rhetoric that sees me demand to know exactly what in the name of holy Jesus that word means or how it is relevant. Nobody knows, nobody cares so I'll move on.

My name, if you hadn't already gathered, is Scott. I'm at that somewhat perplexing point in life where all the big choices fall in your lap like an unwelcome delivery package. But hell, you wanna make good of existence you have to make the good things exists, right? I see, I write, I deconstruct. It's what I do. Some call it a talent....actually scrap that, nobody does really. But it makes me feel better so, fuck it. I like my books, my stories, my films. Occasionally my network television. I'm currently trying to maneuver myself into a position of vague comfort. This particular tactical move could take some time so I suggest you bear with me.

Anyway, I digress. The point of this archetype blog is to reflect on the fact that 2010 for me is probably the most significant year of my life so far, and that one false move will see an endless fall into a pit of dispair that is only as dark as it makes itself, which is pretty damn dark I gotta tell you. For me, the best approach is to ignore the shit and struggle of the previous 21 years since this utter farce began on a surgical table in June 1989. That is, what occured in my small bubble of life. Unfortunately age saw me never truly live in a great era of music, literature or film. The art of taste essentially began as the 00s did, and it's been dry to say the least. Maybe culture defines personal exploration, or maybe it's the other way round, or maybe it's neither and I'm talking out my extremities.

I'm a man of simple tastes, not hung up on the delusions of boistorous cravings and indulgences that so often beset those who could never learn to appreciate them. I like my smokes, my beers, my pen and paper. I like a good slice of escapism and the finer written word. I like to escape the monotonty of real life, whether it be for 45 minutes, 90 or two hours. I like to take a step back and pull apart the basics of life for a few moments for my own amusement. I like to simply enjoy what is there to be enjoyed, regardless of it's merits or morality. I like money, but only in the sense that I like the idea of having enough that I won't have to give a shit. I like the notion that one day something will change my view on life and my approach, to reverse my cynisicm and borderline misanthropy. I like this, but it doesn't mean I have to obssess. If you want something too much, it loses it's value as what it is. It becomes the pursuit and not the prize. I prefer the journey being more important than the destination.

So, when somebody asks me what my new year's resolution is, what do I say? Do I pull a psuedo-witty sarcastic response out of the air and fling it back at them? Do I pretend that I actually want to 'improve' something about myself and somehow create a delusion which I'm included in? Do I TRY to actually stick to something new for a year, and if I do will I let it end there, on the mark of a year passed? What is a man to do? What am I to do? And why should I, in all honesty, give a fuck?

After all, I pride myself on despising rhetoric and false sentiment. So, if I stick by my ever so flimsy principles I should really be launching some sort of Scottian assault on the poor bastard who posed the query. But I don't. Why? Because it's harder.

The fact is, people want it easy and I'm no different. They don't want the chase. They don't want the slog, the crawl through the shit. They just want to be and not have to care enough to see a problem with what they are and what they do. If nobody is being harmed, then what's the problem? There isn't one. And that's the problem. People oh so love to create problems for themselves and I admit I'm no different.

But what do I know? I'm just some kid, full of himself no doubt. Thinks he knows life because of a couple of hard times and some harder drinking sessions. Why should I be listened to?

I guess that's up to whoever is reading this.

Anyway, all the best for 2010, a big big year. It's twelve months of significance that will hopefully end in progress in some form. But ultimately, isn't that always the thought?

Perhaps in the whatever you call it new decade people will simply leave it out. Though, even if I were a betting man....

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